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January 19, 2024

Corporate Training Manager at Aviator Highlights Trainers’ Crucial Role in Aviation Success

Corporate Training Manager at Aviator Highlights Trainers' Crucial Role in Aviation SuccessIn the aviation industry, skilled trainers play a key role that goes far beyond basic teaching. Aviation demands accuracy, safety, and efficiency, and trainers are crucial in making sure these are met. Kjell Mathisen, Corporate Training Manager at Aviator Airport Alliance, a full-range provider of aviation services at 15 airports across the Nordics and a part of Avia Solutions Group, explains the importance of trainers in developing the skills of aviation professionals, building a strong company culture, ensuring top safety standards, and contributing to the overall success of aviation companies.

Trainers Acting Like Lighthouses for New Employees

The role of skilled trainers in aviation is significant and wide-reaching. Being the first point of contact for every newly joined employee, they play a major role in everything from establishing important values, leading the way in safety measures, improving how the company operates, to supporting the growth and development of its people. Mathisen emphasizes the importance of trainers in molding the company’s culture, which refers to everything from shared values or beliefs to practices that define a company’s environment and is crucial because it influences everything from employee morale to productivity and even the company’s reputation.

“In the company, everyone is part of the big picture, and while it’s not correct to say that someone is more important than others, trainers are crucial as they are the first to meet new employees and act as role models from the very beginning, shaping the company culture and values through their training. They set the tone for the company culture and values from the very beginning and act as role models both during training and beyond, serving as steady points, like lighthouses, by upholding standards and correcting errors in our operations to maintain our company culture,” says Mathisen.

Safety Is Not a Priority – It is a Necessity

Even though trainers play a vital role in shaping the company’s culture, Corporate Training Manager at Aviator proves that the first and the most important task of a trainer is to build competence and understanding about safety. In the aviation industry, safety in the workplace is not just a priority; it’s a necessity, especially where the risks are high.

“The training process begins with a combination of theoretical and practical instruction. New employees undergo these training phases before they are assigned a mentor who guides them during a specific number of hours and shifts. However, the trainer’s role goes beyond just ensuring competence or introducing to the company’s values; it also involves fostering a sense of security in newcomers. This aspect consistently arises in trainer courses, where trainers understand the importance of building newcomers’ confidence and security as part of their duties,” says Mathisen.

According to him, safety must rank as the highest priority within the company, as it is crucial for the well-being of the staff, customers, passengers, and even the company’s property. The trainers take on the responsibility of instilling a safety culture right from day one, making safety principles more than just rules – they become a part of the company’s culture.

Profession – Challenging, but Crucial for Company’s Success

Trainers play a key role in integrating culture and safety into the broader strategy of a company, a move that is crucial for long-term success. They have the unique ability to weave these elements into the very fabric of a company’s operations. However, this is a challenging and absorbing role, and trainers often face several challenges, including catering to diverse workforces and a range of learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and language barriers.

Talking about the personal qualities and skills trainers must have to be successful in this role, Corporate Training Manager at Aviator Airport Alliance emphasizes a few. “To be an effective trainer, first of all, one must possess a deep understanding of the subjects they are tasked with teaching. Moreover, empathy and listening skills are essential qualities for trainers as they need to discern the unique needs of various newcomers, each of whom learns at their own pace and in their way. Adaptability is key here, as trainers must find creative solutions to help newcomers grasp both the theoretical and practical aspects of their training,” says Mathisen.

“Last year was indeed a remarkable year for us, and when it comes to this success, it’s important to recognize the significant role played by our trainers. While it’s challenging to quantify their exact impact, it’s undeniable that they have a substantial influence on how we deliver our products and services,” says Mathisen.